Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Can I have an rss feed being posted on my web site or do i have to only have it downloaded to a rss reader?

I would like post articles from other web sites on my website, could i use that using RSS or not?

Can I have an rss feed being posted on my web site or do i have to only have it downloaded to a rss reader?
this will show you how to embed it in a web page


below is a sample this tool will generate

%26lt;script language="JavaScript" src="http://commons.ucalgary.ca/feed2js/... type="text/javascript"%26gt;%26lt;/script%26gt;


%26lt;a href="http://commons.ucalgary.ca/feed2js... RSS feed%26lt;/a%26gt;

Reply:you creat it put it on yahoo answer's you can enabl ,rss your website im not sure , good luck with your website
Reply:there are all sorts of caca ways to do it...

if you want to do it the simple cool way, you load the rss file using JS xmlhttprequest, and parse it to your hearts content.

of course you want to get the feed from the source site, either every time a request is made (cgi) or periodically (cron).

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