And Do I have to submit my rss to different sites to get them out there? How exactly does it all work?
I'm wondering about rss feeds - How do I get google, yahoo, to have my rss feeds available for others to see?
To get yahoo to include your rss feed, first, submit it by clicking submit your site at the bottom of After you get there, click 'submit your media content for free'. Complete the process.
Then go to My Yahoo, click add content, and then click add rss by url (beside the search box). Enter your feed address and click add.
Then, if it's a blog, after you have made a post, or if it's some thing else, after you've refreshed the rss feed, ping yahoo. here's how:
Just enter this address into you browser, changing the last part to your feed's address.
Just like this, my blog, website, and feed got into yahoo search.
Then a week later, google picked it up too, then another website, icerocket, also picked it up. Hope this helps. And visit
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