Thursday, August 19, 2010

Customized News RSS Feeds to my Website?

Hey guys, I am trying to display customise news on my webpage. How can i do that? For Example, if I only want news about Auto Industry and nothing else.

How can i customise the rss feeds that i get and how can i get it to display on my webpage.

Your help in this regard will be greatly appreciated.


S. Jain

Customized News RSS Feeds to my Website?

This is an RSS feed about Auto Manufacturers - Major Headlines.

I copied the URL from the orange RSS box on this page.

You can get RSS feeds about other key words by doing a search from the Yahoo News page.

Try searching for an "RSS Directory" in the search engine.

YouTube has videos explaining RSS.

You can display and provide links for your Y!A questions, your starred questions, and the news that interests you on your Y!360 and MySpace pages with an RSS feed. / express / getFeed/

The feed for my questions in MySpace updates faster than the one in my Y!360.

Find your list of questions.

To the right of your most recent question you will see the RSS link.

Click on it with the right button then left click on copy shortcut (URL).

Or you can double click the RSS link and then copy the URL from your address bar.

In your Y!360 click "My Page."

Click "Add a Feed (via RSS)" or click "Edit Feeds."

Right click on one of the three boxes then left click on paste (the short cut - URL).

Then save.

You can also display information from:

Yahoo! News (for specific subjects like your state, country, or corporation)

MSN News

BBC News

Craigslist, Digg, Netflix, YouTube, and many periodicals,

and blogs from MySpace, Y!360 and other blog websites.
Reply:Try the RSSpal at

It is really easy to use and works.
Reply:You can use a series of PHP scripts to merge and filter RSS feeds that contain the topics of interest. Define the topics using keywords and RSSFilter. Display the feed in your current website using RSS2HTML, a free PHP script. You control the way the feed is displayed using an HTML template.

The RSS scripts that you will need to implement the above are at:
Reply:You can sign up for a free account at the link below. Just find the feed you want and put the url in the url box. Here are a few more links the 3rd one is a tutorial and really good.

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