Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Is it legal to post RSS feeds from other blogs to my website?

Is it legal to post other people's blogs in RSS form on my website? As I was sbscribed to their RSS, but it's on my website

Is it legal to post RSS feeds from other blogs to my website?
Pretty sure its not, try asking them for permission
Reply:It should be legal, since RSS feeds are just links.

And you give the website that has the RSS feeds more traffic. And the website owner will be happy to get more traffic i guess.
Reply:RSS is commonly defined as really simple syndication. So, this means that any material contained in a feed is available for syndication, right? Well no, not exactly. It means that the content contained in an RSS feed is in a format that is syndication friendly, if the copyright holder allows for syndication. Offering a feed for syndication does not in fact grant any legal rights to anyone to reuse the feeds content beyond what the Copyright laws grant as Fair Use.

In practice, while your feed might legally be protected, you could literally spend weeks attempting to protect the contents of your feed. Legal gray areas are introduced with Search Engines indexing feeds and RSS Feed Directories including copywritten feeds, in their categorized directories. How do you distinguish between a legitimate search engine, RSS directory and someone simply reproducing the contents of a feed for personal gain? Legally how can you defend against one and not the other?


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