Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Would you like to read news from RSS reader or directly from web?

I would like to read from RSS but some sites don't support RSS

on the other hand

Websites means u happen to c different colourful news

which is good according to u?

i like both

but possibily the web more

but one advantage with rss reader is that it is one complete stop for all news and entertainment and everything ,

everything is displayed on one screen

is it a better choice ?

please answer me?

Would you like to read news from RSS reader or directly from web?
Manually checking the 250 sites that I pull RSS feeds from would take up my entire day. I'll let software handle that for me.
Reply:I prefer RSS, I use my email client to retrieve about 10 feeds. Its easier to have them all in one place.
Reply:Web, I never understood the point of RSS

teeth braces

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